Who said selfie poses had to be hard work? All the posing in awkward positions, trying to hit your angle, and getting hand cramps from holding your phone trying to get the right light. Sometimes, dialing it down a bit and just relaxing will get you a super-chilled selfie without any effort.
But you gotta make sure you don't sacrifice looking cute. These are the best lazy selfie poses when you want maximum wow-factor for minimum effort.
1) The in-bed lazy pose
Speaking of minimum effort, a selfie taken in bed can be cute, and you don't even need to stand up. If you really want to look attractive, throw on a little digital makeup using an app like Facetune, then you don't even need to actually do makeup at all. The key to the bed selfie is to make sure you get the right angle without double chins.

2) The sofa selfie
If you don't want to take a selfie in bed, your couch is the next best place. Curl your legs up so you look cute and cozy, and use cushions to help balance your phone so you don't get a hand cramp. You can even use your TV to make sure you've got good lighting.

3) Hand-on-chin selfie
While sitting at a desk, on a train, on your sofa, or anywhere else, propping your hand on your chin is a super-easy way to capture a great selfie with no effort. Your hand will draw attention, so make sure you're smiling. Putting the hand taking the selfie on the table or desk in front of you is a great way to keep your phone steady. No shaking, hand distracting from the bags under your eyes, cute face; check, check, check!

4) Knees up!
No matter where you are, curling your legs up to sit in a ball is a great lazy selfie. You'll look super cute and sleepy curled into a ball like a cat. You can sit literally anywhere to take this. Wrap your free arm around your knees, pulling them tight to your chest. If you feel super lazy, you can rest your head on your knees, hiding the lower half of your face. If you do this, keep direct eye contact for a strong focal point.