Selfie hashtags. The things you never thought you needed to succeed on Instagram.
What are your IG selfie goals? For the selfie-obsessed, like myself, a winning selfie is like a bacon, egg & cheese sandwich — a timeless and satisfying treat that should not be messed with. To make your selfie just as good as the greasy (perfect) breakfast sandwich your roommate brings you on a hungover Saturday morning, you’ll have to master the combination of how to take the perfect selfie photo, how to add a solid selfie caption, and how to choose a legendary set of up to 30 selfie hashtags.

Why Use Hashtags For Your Selfie?
- Hashtags can get your selfie seen by more people.
- Hashtags can help your account get discovered and followed.
- Hashtags add context, personality, or humor to your Instagram selfies.

Should I mention about how our car #brokedown on the way but we're finally #atthebeach? Or just keep it light - #romanticgetaway?
What Are the Most Popular Selfie Hashtags?
Here’s a list of the overall top 20 trending hashtags for selfies.
#selfies, #selfietime, #selfiesunday, #selfienation, #selfiequeen, #selfiesaturday, #selfiestick, #selfiee, #selfiegram, #selfiesfordays, #selfieaddict, #selfielove, #selfiegirl, #selfieday, #selfieking, #selfiegamestrong, #selfiemode, #selfieee, #selfiegame, #selfiemania
Now, let’s get specific. When you want to emphasize the “when” of your selfie:
#selfieoftheday #selfieonathursday #selfiesaturday #selfiesunday #selfiefriday #selfiemonday #selfiesfordays #selfienow #selfieday
When you want to let your audience know how you took your pic by calling out the equipment you used:
#selfieremote #selfiegopro #selfiestick #selfiemirror
When you’re proud of your selfie and ready to take on the world:
#selfieonfleek #selfieexpert #selfiequeen #selfiegamestrong #selfieking
When you are sick of the word selfie (me, right now) and don’t want to use the word selfie (ahh, again!) in your hashtag:
#selfportrait #selfshot #faceoftheday #photooftheday #picoftheday #selfietime #instapic #myself #portrait #pose #self
But Here’s the Real Tea
Those ultra-popular, top selfie hashtags aren’t going to necessarily help you. Oh that’s right, Ashley, you’ve been living a lie. The most used tags are not the most searched tags. Because so many people use them, it’s harder to stand out. Using popular selfie hashtags doesn’t mean that people are more likely to tap on that tag or search for it.
People might even be less likely to find your gorgeous mug, ❤ your post, follow your account, and turn you into a globe-prancing influencer if you’re using only generic hashtags for selfies. So…
How Do You Get Your Selfie Noticed With Hashtags?
Go niche. Don’t be chicken and rice, be chicken tikka masala on a porcelain dish (yes, it's the second food reference of this article, I'm sorry, my fridge is empty and it’s lunchtime). Instead of using the most popular Instagram hashtags, find and use selfie hashtags that are more niche to engage an audience that’s more relevant to you in some way. These hashtags could be related to your location (#selfieinparis), describe what you’re doing in the photo (#boredatworkselfie, #selfiewithmom), or be connected to your skills and interests (#selfiestyle, #crossfitselfie).

You’re more likely to get followers from niche hashtags than generic ones, since your selfie will be more accessible. People won’t have to scroll miles to find your post, and your chances of being featured on Instagram’s hashtag search page for that hashtag are higher.
Need more inspo? Here are 6 popular selfie hashtag niches on Instagram:
As we mentioned above, it's not enough to just use the most popular selfie hashtags on Instagram. You can drill down a lot more and probably get more eyeballs for your selfies if you get more specific.
Best friend hashtags

You can't be best friends until the selfie is published, with the appropriate #bff hashtag.
Your ride-or-die BFF is there through thick or thin. Make your friendship #InstagramOfficial with the right best friend selfie hashtags:
- #friend
- #friendship
- #instagood
- #bestfriend
- #bestfriends
- #besties
- #goodfriends
- #friendshipgoals
- #squadgoals
- #bff
- #lovethem
- #friendsforever
- #friendshipquotes
- #friendsforlife
A post shared by Annu Burman (
Self-portrait hashtags

No, self-portraits aren’t in the same league as a selfie, although they sound kinda similar. If you’re taking professional-style self-portraits (and usually not on your smartphone camera), use these self-portrait hashtags to show off your selfie photography chops:
- #selfportrait
- #photography
- #portait
- #artist
- #photographer
- #me
- #myself
- #closeup
- #selfshot
- #photooftheday
- #instame
- #portraitpage
- #portraiture
- #canon
- #model
- #artistsoninstagram
A post shared by Soumya Jayaprakash (@soumyaisme)
Morning hashtags
Yaaaaawn. Did you get up at the crack of dawn for an unforgettable sunrise photo? Make sure the hours of lost sleep were worth it — add these morning-themed hashtags to your post for more likes:
- #goodmorning
- #morning
- #sunrise
- #picoftheday
- #morningmotivation
- #morningvibes
- #morningglory
- #goodvibes
- #day
- #beautifulmorning
- #buongiorno
Coffee hashtags

Coffee makes the world go ‘round. Plus, it’s a great way to add new followers to your Instagram. Nobody can resist the allure of a warm, perfectly-positioned cup of cafe au lait in the sunshine. Use these coffee selfie hashtags to connect with fellow coffee-lovers:
- #coffee
- #coffeetime
- #caffeine
- #latte
- #coffeelovers
- #coffeeaddict
- #latteart
- #coffeegram
- #cappuccino
- #coffeebreak
- #coffeelove
- #coffeelife
- #baristalife
- #icedcoffee
A post shared by Barista Nagyi - Coffee Lover (@nagyi_coffee)
Tea hashtags

Coffee gets all the credit, but tea is actually a super-popular niche on Instagram, too. If you’ve got boxes of loose leaf in your pantry, show them off to your followers with the right tea hashtags:
- #tea
- #greentea
- #igtea
- #instatea
- #tealeaf
- #teainstagram
- #herbaltea
- #teatime
- #teapeople
- #teaparty
- #teacup
- #tealover
- #teaaddict
- #drink
Breakfast hashtags

Why would anyone prepare such a beautiful breakfast unless they can share it on Instagram? #yum
It’s the most important meal of the day, after all. Who could resist a well-lit shot of your gourmet avocado toast at Sunday brunch with the girls? Show that bad boy off with the right breakfast selfie hashtags:
- #breakfast
- #vegan
- #yum
- #healthybreakfast
- #breakfasttime
- #foodpics
- #foodie
- #glutenfree
- #brunch
- #foodporn
- #instafood
- #foodphotography
No-makeup hashtags
Going makeup-free is still a popular trend these days, and with good reason! (Except on Halloween.) We love a good smokey eye, but it’s also refreshing to see so many "au naturale" selfies out there. Flaunt your natural beauty with these no-makeup beauty hashtags:
- #beauty
- #natural
- #naturalbeauty
- #loveyourself
- #bareface
- #nomakeupneeded
- #nomakeupselfie
- #makeupfree
- #naturalglow
- #cleanface
- #nomakeup
Selfie hashtags for likes
The right hashtags can connect you with people and grow your following (which is what we all want, #amiright?). Although you don’t want to overuse them, hashtags that invite people to like your post can help give you a boost. Sprinkle in these selfie hashtags for likes to extend your reach:
- #followme
- #likeforlike
- #like4like
- #follow4follow
- #followforfollow
- #f4f
- #instagood
- #instalike
- #likeforfollow
- #followback
Gym selfie hashtags
You don’t have to look very hard to catch people snapping a quick pic of themselves in the mirror at the gym. I mean ... if you don’t post a sweaty selfie, did you even work out?? Use these gym selfie hashtags to help grow your following, and maybe even inspire others to get moving:
- #gymselfie
- #gym
- #fitness
- #gymlife
- #gymmotivation
- #fitnessmotivation
- #workout
- #gymtime
- #fitfam
- #motivation
- #gymaddict
- #gymlifestyle
- #fitnessjourney
- #fitspo
- #girlswholift
- #gymlove
- #sport
- #training
A post shared by Allyson Pagley (@allypagley)
Restroom selfie hashtags
Ahh, the restroom selfie. It’s hard to resist snapping a pic when you have a full-length mirror and good lighting. Besides, you look hot! Add these restroom selfie hashtags the next time you get a great bathroom pic:
- #bathroomselfie
- #bathroom
- #mirrorselfie
- #bathroompic
- #instabathroom
- #mirrorpic
- #dirtymirror
- #bathroominspo
- #bathroomshot
Dog selfie hashtags
I’m not gonna lie: A dog makes everything better, including your IG pics. Including Scruffles in your selfie pretty much guarantees you’ll get a bunch of likes, but you can take it a step further with these dog selfie hashtags:
- #dogselfie
- #dogsofinstagram
- #dogstagram
- #doglover
- #doglife
- #dogoftheday
- #instadog
- #doggo
- #puppylove
- #cutedogs
- #whatthefluff
- #ellenratemydog
- #weeklyfluff
- #petoftheday
A post shared by Jeffrey.Z.Cray (
Mirror selfie hashtags
The gym, club, restaurant, and even your mom’s house all have one thing in common: They have mirrors galore. Sometimes you just want to strut your stuff in front of a mirror and snap a pic. Is that so wrong? I don’t think so. Try multiple angles in the mirror for a cool effect and post that bad boy on Instagram with these hashtags:
- #mirrorselfie
- #mirror
- #me
- #mirrorpic
- #myself
- #mirrorphotо
- #selfiemirror
- #dirtymirror
- #homeselfie
- #mirrorselfies
A post shared by Becki | 🦩 (@the_rebeccaedit)
Bodybuilding selfie hashtags
You worked really, really hard to get those biceps. If your guns are smokin’, it’s time to take a bodybuilding selfie. Try a before and after photo, a pic of you flexing, or a post-workout snap where you’re dewy with sweat. Don’t forget to sprinkle in the right hashtags to get your pic in front of more people:
- #bodybuilding
- #fitness
- #gym
- #workout
- #fitnessmotivation
- #gymlife
- #fitfam
- #bodybuilder
- #powerlifting
- #fitspo
- #strong
- #gains
Selfie model hashtags
Smile for the camera! While "selfie model" sounds like a regular selfie, it’s not. This is a more high-class, artsy style of selfie. If you’ve got the model/photoshoot look to your aesthetic, use these selfie model hashtags to stand out to a more professional audience:
- #model
- #fashion
- #photography
- #style
- #art
- #photoshoot
- #portrait
- #modeling
A post shared by Dalila De Masi (@dalilademasi)
Shoe selfie hashtags
Okay, time to show off that shoe collection. Whether you’re a stiletto diva or a kicks guru, people love seeing a good set of shoes on their feed. Show off your shoe collection, pose today’s shoes in a cool location poolside, or feature your designer shoe-and-handbag ensemble. Add these hashtags so other shoe lovers see your post, too:
- #shoeselfie
- #shoes
- #shoestagram
- #shoesaddict
- #shoestyle
- #shoesoftheday
- #shoeswag
- #shoelover
- #instashoes
- #heels
- #iloveheels
- #highheels
- #shoeporn
Day of the week selfie hashtags
Look, I love posting on Instagram as much as the next person, but dang. It takes a lot of creative juice to come up with cool posts, let alone interesting photography hashtags.
You want to post more often because it’s great at staying top-of-mind for all of your followers. But let’s be honest: Nobody wants to see the same. old. selfie every day. You’ve got to jazz stuff up, and that means posting something different every damn day.
What’s a selfie kween to do? I’ve got you covered. Use these hashtags as prompts for daily posts to get more views.
Sunday Selfie Hashtags
Some people are all about #lazysundays, while other people feel the #sundayscaries. How do you feel about Sundays? How do you usually spend your last day of the weekend? Take a pic of whatever you’re up to and label it with the right hashtag for your #sundayfeels:
- #sundayfunday
- #sundaysweat
- #stayhomesunday
- #sundayscaries
- #lazysundays
- #sundayfeels
- #selfiesunday
Monday Selfie Hashtags
Yeah, Monday gets a bad rap, but it’s kind of deserved. Few people actually like Mondays, so treat this as a chance to give your followers something cool to look at. Try alliterative hashtags like #makeupmonday to make themed posts every Monday. Or you can always throw a classic #mondaymood if you’re not feeling too chipper yourself.
You dragged yourself out of bed and actually managed to do all the things — on a Monday, no less. You’re basically superhuman, so take a Monday selfie to commemorate your achievements and make your friends fear your #adulting prowess:
- #mondaymantra
- #mondaymotivation
- #mondaymood
- #mondayblues
- #mondayfunday
- #mondaymemories
- #mondaymadness
- #mindfulmonday
- #manicmonday
- #mancrushmonday (#mcm)
- #musicmonday
- #happymonday
- #mondaymotivation
Tuesday Selfie Hashtags
I feel like all of the coffee I drank on Monday actually hits me on Tuesday. Most people are feeling productive on Tuesday, so hit ‘em with your best content today with hashtags like:
- #traveltuesday
- #tiptuesday
- #goodnewstues
- #tuesdayvibes
- #tuesdaythoughts
- #tuesdaymood
- #tacotuesday
- #tuesdaymorning
Wednesday Selfie Hashtags
All right, you’re halfway through the week at this point. "Hump day" is your chance to keep up the momentum you’ve built all week with hashtags like:
- #wackywednesday
- #humpday
- #winewednesday
- #wednesdayvibes
- #wednesdaywisdom
- #wednesdaymotivation
- #wednesdaymood
- #humdayvibes
Thursday Selfie Hashtags
The obvious choice here is a #throwbackthursday and everybody loves nostalgic posts. If you’ve got old pics, dig ‘em back up and post them today. You can also try hashtags like:
- #throwbackthursday (or #TBT)
- #thankfulthursday
- #thirstythursday
- #thursdayvibes
- #thursdaythoughts
- #thursdaymood
Friday Selfie Hashtags
Yas! You made it! Friday is clearly the best day of the week. Make a little party on your Instagram account with celebratory selfies using hashtags like:
- #fearlessfriday
- #fashionfriday
- #fridayfun
- #followfriday
- #featurefriday
- #fridayfunday
- #funnyfriday
- #fridayreads
- #foodiefriday
- #fridaynight
- #lastfridaynight
Saturday Selfie Hashtags
You probably get most of your stuff done on the weekend, right? I’m frantically trying to do all the stuff I pushed off during the week in one day. Sounds doable, right? Whatever you’re up to today, share it with your followers and get more views with these hashtags:
- #weekendvibes
- #saturdaystyle
- #saturday
- #caturday
- #saturdaynight
- #saturdaystyle
- #saturdaysweat
- #saturdayshoutout
- #saturdaynightfever
A few final tips for selfie hashtags for Instagram
Okay, so you can pick some of the best selfie hashtags in the world, but if you don’t use them in the right way, you won’t get anywhere. Make sure you follow these tips to master selfie hashtags for Instagram.
- Know the limits: Yes, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but with great power comes great responsibility. Actually, you don’t have to cram 30 hashtags into your posts: most people say 11 is ideal, anyway.
- Choose relevant hashtags: Look, viral hashtags can get you more views, but Instagram doesn’t like irrelevant hashtags. After all, if you’re looking for posts about #hair and see spammy pics about cars, you aren’t going to trust Instagram. Only use relevant hashtags so you can stay on Instagram’s good side.
- Add hashtags as a comment: Not a fan of overloading your Instagram caption with hashtags? Just add those bad boys as a comment. Publish your post like normal without the hashtags and then drop them into the comments section afterward. (People will still be able to find your post, don’t worry.)
- Use trending hashtags: Want to tap into trending topics? Look for trending hashtags in your niche with Instagram’s search bar. Add a topic to start and see which hashtags Instagram recommends. It will usually do this by the number of posts using a certain hashtag, which means it’s probably a popular hashtag that gets a lot of traffic.
- Find related hashtags you might have missed: Don’t feel paranoid about missing a hashtag in your niche. When you search for a hashtag, Instagram will display related hashtags right next to it. It’s the perfect way to discover new hashtags or ones you might have previously overlooked.
- See which hashtags other people are using: What hashtags are your friends (or frenemies) using on Instagram? Don’t let other people outdo you here. Snoop around a little to swipe a few clever hashtags from your network. As long as you don’t copy-paste their hashtags verbatim, a little hashtag #recon is okay.
- Check Instagram Insights: Okay, this is only for the folks with Instagram Business profiles. But if you have a Business profile, make sure you check Insights. This will tell you which hashtags have brought in the most views for your profile. If a hashtag isn’t pulling its weight, remove it from your list and replace it with a new one.
The bottom line on selfie hashtags:
You can use up to 30 hashtags on an Instagram post, so why not use a combo of niche + generic selfie hashtags to cover all bases? Give context to your selfie and attract new followers. Before you bust out your iPhone and hashtag your selfie away, here are a few last selfie hashtag tips:
- If your account is set to private, your tags won’t appear publicly on hashtag pages. Duh, but #justsaying.
- You can tag IG Stories. You can use up to 10 on one Story. But that’s a lot, don’t overcrowd it.
- Important! Beware banned hashtags. This list is constantly changing, so make sure to search in Google and IG what the latest banned selfie hashtags might be.
Bonus list of just a few more selfie hashtags that are big on Instagram in 2022:
#americangirl, #attractive, #babe, #boho, #beautyblogger (but #beautybloggers works), #curvygirls, #ig, #ilovemyinstagram, #instamood, #likeforlike and #likeback ( <-- I can’t. Are people really still using these!?), #models, #snap, #single, #streetphoto, #woman, #women
Tag your selfies with any of these hashtags to ensure as wide a reach as possible for your selfie photos!