Are you one of Facebook’s 2.8 billion monthly users? Facebook is perfect for connecting with friends, family, classmates, and occasionally cyber-stalking your Tinder matches. Regardless of why you’re on the platform, you want to take a great Facebook selfie, right?
Um, of course you do.
The cool thing about Facebook is that your pictures can be more laid back, as opposed to the more artsy Instagram pics you’ve been taking. You can even use a group photo as your Facebook profile pic (we know it sounds like selfie sacrilege, but trust us).
The bottom line is that your Facebook selfies should make a good first impression. And if they get your old aunt to comment on how much you’ve grown up, that’s okay too.
Starved for Facebook selfie ideas? Try these 8 Facebook profile picture tips to take the perfect pic for your Facebook fam.
1 - Use a cool background
Yeah, car selfies are okay and all, but who wants to look at the backseat of your Corolla?
Jazz up your Facebook selfie with a cool background. It can be a natural setting like the mountains or a beach, or maybe something artsy, like posing in front of a mural or statue.

Wherever you end up, make sure you’re the focus of the photo. Don’t pose in front of something that’s more interesting or that distracts from your gorgeous face, ‘kay?
2 - Remember the rule of thirds
Want a better Facebook selfie? Follow the rule of thirds. This means you should make sure your face is in the top corner of your profile pic. The rule of thirds naturally draws people’s eyes to your face while creating a more high-end-looking selfie.
If you want to feature a cool background, don’t worry. Just position your face in the lower corner of your selfie to include your cool shot.

3 - Show off something good
It’s not a humblebrag if you’re really doing something badass. Use your Facebook selfie to show off your latest accomplishments, whether that’s:
- Graduating.
- Buying your first car or house.
- Getting hitched.
Pose in your cap and gown, take a goofy selfie with your new spouse, or pose in front of the “SOLD” sign in your yard.
These special moments are worth celebrating with a selfie anyway, right? Repurpose these photos to make a unique celebratory selfie that’s guaranteed to bring in the likes.
4 - Take a group Facebook selfie
Yeah, yeah, normally we harp about never taking a group selfie. But Facebook is the special exception: this network is all about your friend squad’s shenanigans.
Get a little silly and show everyone how much fun you have with your friends. There’s no need to look at the camera, either, as long as you guys keep things natural and follow the tips in how to take a group selfie where everyone looks hot.

5 - Try a “random” shot
Everybody is doing “traditional” selfies for Facebook. I mean, yaaaawn. You can stand out by doing something different.
Go outside on a breezy day to take a naturally carefree, slightly windblown selfie. You can use props like jewelry, a hat, or even your coffee mug to make the pic more interesting.
Your goal is to take a casual, candid photo that isn’t just you cheesing for the camera.
6 - Include your pets
Tbh, we spend too much time liking dog and cat pics on Instagram. There’s something about pets that the people of Facebook just can’t resist. So yeah, a Facebook selfie with your pets is pretty much guaranteed to give you the “aw” factor.
If your pet is small enough, you can hold them and take a selfie. If you’ve got a large English bulldog, though, try positioning them in the foreground. Bribe your pet with treats so they look at the camera while you pose for a selfie behind them.
7 - Share your Facebook selfie outtakes or bloopers
“Perfect” isn’t interesting. So why not share a few of your selfie bloopers?
Try taking a bunch of pictures, snapping some normal pics and goofy pics, too. Experiment with different expressions, angles, and poses. Adding a few outtakes is sure to bring in a few laughs and likes.
You can even copy Will Smith and add an artistic flair to your goofy Facebook selfie.

8 - Don’t be afraid of touchups!
Did you snap an awesome Facebook selfie, only to realize your foundation was uneven? Hey, we’ve been there, too.
There’s nothing wrong with perfecting your selfie before you post it to Facebook. After all, a little editing lets you present yourself the way you want to look. Use a tool like Facetune selfie editor to lighten dark circles, remove blemishes, or brighten your eyes before posting that Facebook selfie.
The bottom line on Facebook profile picture selfies
Platforms like Instagram or Tiktok are popular right now, but there’s nothing wrong with looking good for your Facebook crew, too. Try these 8 Facebook selfie ideas to show yourself in the best light.